How the entertainment industry changed

Knight Times News
3 min readDec 25, 2020

Movies and TV shows are a huge part of how we entertain ourselves. Streaming services such as Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, Amazon Video, and due to this epidemic, much more have joined the fray such as HBO Max and Peacock. The epidemic drastically changed the movie industry. Theaters have been forced to shut down as they could lead to a spread of the virus. Because of this, streaming services have been dominating the industry. Over the span of COVID-19, more people around the world started watching shows to entertain themselves while in quarantine. Usually, to watch the newest movies, people are required to go to theaters such as AMC, Regal, Cinemark, etc. However, as time goes on, movies have evolved, and so has the way you may view them. Streaming services have revolutionized how and where people can view -new or upcoming, to old and classic- movies and TV shows. You could be watching the latest Marvel movie on your couch, or even catch up on “The Sopranos” during your commute.

What Are Companies Doing To Get Customers To Enjoy A Movie?

One of the movie theater companies, AMC reopened 100 theaters on August 20th with a price of 15 cents per movie! However, the price isn’t always what makes the movie enjoyable. The theaters also need to provide a good experience for the viewer with accessibility to snacks, comfortable seating, good viewing areas, and most importantly, the safety of each and every viewer.

Safety of the viewers is very concerning. If the theaters don’t take certain precautions,. the disease could be transferred from one person to another, or to an entire theater. In order to prevent such an event from happening, theaters need to maintain the cleanliness of the building. This includes wiping down machines frequently, cleaning out bathrooms as that is a cesspit for bacteria, disinfecting doorknobs, and many more. Social distancing practices must also be in order. Viewers and workers should be required to wear masks to receive entry and there must be 6 ft of distance between people in order to prevent spread of the disease. These may be necessary precautions to keep movie theaters, however there is another option employed that may just be the best yet.

Drive In Movies

Due to COVID-19, many theaters such as “Regal” and “AMC” had to shut down because of the CDC (Centers of Disease Control) and the government issued warning and regulations to help decrease the spread of COVID-19. After 2–3 months of quarantine, restaurants started opening. Due to this rise in customers, local theaters began to host drive-in movies; a movie you would view with your family at the convenience of staying in your car. They chose this method of theater to allow movie watchers to have the theater-experience, while remaining safe from COVID-19. In your own car, you are not making contact with potential carriers. Many movies shown were “Old School”-or not as recent- which included titles such as “Spider Man”, “Black Panther”, “Back To The Future”, and many more. Other commercial companies such as Walmart are planning to do drive-in’s with more recent movies such as “Wonder Woman”.

Are Drive In’s The New Way To Enjoy Movies While Still Remaining Safe?

What the Future Of Movie Theaters Looks Like

With COVID-19 still being a big, international threat, companies will always try their best to make sure the viewer is safe and healthy while at the movie theaters. Since no one really knows how long the epidemic will last, we should make sure that we stay healthy by abiding by quarantine and social distance procedures. Theaters will hold up and try to help by implementing social distancing, hand sanitation stations, and constantly cleaning seats and hand rails. Drive-in movies was a nice step in progress and really helped lighten up the pandemic as it allowed people to get out their homes and movie theater companies to thrive. Even though movie theaters are going to be different, the enjoyment of a movie will not.

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